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Eric Moore

Business Coach | Ex-Accenture, Ex-Microsoft, Ex-Avanade @ Eric The Coach
20+ Years Experience, Senior Level in High Tech, Healthcare, and Financial Services.
United States of America Active this month Usually responds in half a day


$360 / month

Eric Moore coaches new leaders on communication and team dynamics.

4 calls per month (60min/call)

Unlimited Q&A via chat

Expect responses in 24 hours or less

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I'm Eric Moore, and I'm not your typical mentor. I'm on a mission to redefine leadership. Through executive communications and change management, my journey challenges modern leadership.

What sets me apart? It's my belief in the transformative power of introverts. In a world that often equates leadership with extroversion, I'm here to celebrate the quiet strength and wisdom that introverted leaders naturally possess.

My approach isn't about turning up the volume; it's about helping you amplify your impact without sacrificing your true self.

But I'm more than just a mentor; I'm a partner on your journey to leadership excellence. My commitment is to help you uncover and magnify your unique strengths.

Are you ready for a new leadership narrative that resonates with your true self? Let me be your compass on this thrilling path to leadership greatness.

I've supported leaders from top companies such as Microsoft, Pokémon, and Accenture in refining their leadership stories. I invite you to embark on a journey where we nurture your leadership soul and amplify your unique essence.

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