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I am an experienced iOs Developer with more than 5 years of experience and a demonstrated history of working in the software development industry.

Though I started with Objective-C, I also learnt about Swift in order to be involved into some new projects. I know how to use relevant pods and manage them to build features very fast and core data for data persistence related things.

I also have a experience in Unity3d and C# for game development and used it to create some games for my job.

What mentees say

Sasi Kumari

Sasi Kumari

4 out of 5 stars

Standard Plan · 
1 month



5 out of 5 stars

Standard Plan · 
1 month

My mentor and I currently have a very difficult timezone difference to be able to effectively communicate. She seems ver knowledgable but we can never find a time to meet due to the time difference

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