40 Kubernetes Interview Questions

Are you prepared for questions like 'Explain the concept of Ingress in Kubernetes.' and similar? We've collected 40 interview questions for you to prepare for your next Kubernetes interview.

Explain the concept of Ingress in Kubernetes.

Ingress in Kubernetes is a resource that allows you to manage external access to your services, typically HTTP. Instead of exposing each service on a different port on the host node using a LoadBalancer or NodePort, Ingress provides a way to define rules for routing traffic. You can configure things like URL paths, hostnames, SSL/TLS termination, and more within an Ingress resource. This enables you to consolidate and manage traffic routing in a more centralized and configurable way. It often works alongside an Ingress controller which implements the actual routing rules.

Explain Kubernetes RBAC (Role-Based Access Control).

Kubernetes RBAC, or Role-Based Access Control, is a method of regulating access to resources within a Kubernetes cluster. It allows you to define what actions various users or service accounts can perform. Roles define sets of permissions, and RoleBindings connect these roles to users or other resources. There are two main types of roles: Role and ClusterRole. A Role provides permissions within a specific namespace, while a ClusterRole provides permissions at the cluster level. By carefully assigning roles via RoleBindings and ClusterRoleBindings, you can control who can view, create, update, or delete resources, ensuring your cluster is secure and compliant with your organization’s policies.

What is kubelet and what is its role?

The kubelet is an essential component of the Kubernetes architecture. It runs on each node in the cluster and is responsible for ensuring that containers are running in a pod as specified by the PodSpec. Essentially, it takes the desired state provided by the Kubernetes control plane and makes sure the container runtime (like Docker) is maintaining that state on its respective node.

The kubelet constantly monitors these pods and communicates with the API server to get any updates or changes in the pod specifications. If a pod fails or deviates from its desired state, the kubelet will act to remedy this, either by restarting the pod or notifying the control plane if it needs further intervention.

What does the term "Cluster Autoscaling" mean in Kubernetes?

Cluster Autoscaling in Kubernetes refers to the automatic adjustment of the number of nodes in a cluster based on the needs of the workloads running on it. When the current node pool can't satisfy the resource requests of newly scheduled pods, additional nodes are added. Conversely, when nodes are underutilized or idle for a period, they can be scaled down. This helps optimize resource usage and cost-efficiency without manual intervention.

How does the Pod Lifecycle work in Kubernetes?

The Pod Lifecycle in Kubernetes starts when a pod is scheduled and created on a node. Initially, the pod is in the "Pending" phase while it awaits the assignment of a node and the availability of necessary resources. Once the resources are allocated and the containers within the pod are created, it moves to the "Running" phase.

While in the Running phase, containers can restart if crashes happen. If the pod's containers and conditions lead to failure, Kubernetes handles retries and restarts based on the pod's restart policy, which can be "Always," "OnFailure," or "Never." When a pod successfully completes its task or is terminated by a user, it transitions to the "Succeeded" or "Failed" phase. Finally, the pod may be controlled by a garbage collection process and completely removed from the system.

What's the best way to prepare for a Kubernetes interview?

Seeking out a mentor or other expert in your field is a great way to prepare for a Kubernetes interview. They can provide you with valuable insights and advice on how to best present yourself during the interview. Additionally, joining a session or Kubernetes workshop can help you gain the skills and knowledge you need to succeed.

What is kube-proxy and what does it do?

kube-proxy is a network proxy that runs on each node in your Kubernetes cluster. It is responsible for maintaining the network rules on nodes, allowing communication to your Pods from inside or outside the cluster. It achieves this by using low-level networking rules and configurations such as iptables, IPVS, or user space proxies to route traffic to the correct service endpoints. Essentially, it ensures that traffic gets efficiently directed to the appropriate Pod, providing load balancing and service discovery functionality.

What is Helm and how is it used in Kubernetes?

Helm is essentially a package manager for Kubernetes, designed to simplify the deployment and management of applications on a Kubernetes cluster. Think of it as the Kubernetes equivalent of apt for Debian or yum for RedHat. With Helm, you can define, install, and upgrade even the most complex Kubernetes applications using simple, reusable packages called charts.

You'd typically use Helm to package all your Kubernetes resources (like deployments, services, and config maps) into a chart, making it easier to maintain consistent environments. When you want to deploy an application, you just use the helm install command with the chart. Helm also allows you to customize deployments with values files, manage application dependencies, and easily roll back to previous releases if something goes wrong.

What is the difference between a Deployment and a StatefulSet?

A Deployment is typically used for stateless applications where each replica is interchangeable, meaning they don't need to retain any persistent state or unique identity. It manages the creation and scaling of a set of pods, ensuring that the desired number of replicas are running.

On the other hand, a StatefulSet is used for stateful applications that require stable, unique network identifiers and stable, persistent storage. Pods in a StatefulSet are created and deleted in a specific order, maintaining a unique identity for each pod, which is critical for applications like databases or other clustered systems that require persistence.

What are Kubernetes Namespaces and why are they used?

Kubernetes Namespaces are a way to divide cluster resources between multiple users. They provide a mechanism for isolating resources and managing their scope. Think of them as virtual clusters within a physical cluster. By using Namespaces, you can have multiple environments (like development, staging, production) within the same Kubernetes cluster without them interfering with each other.

Namespaces are particularly useful for managing complexity in large deployments. They allow for resource segmentation, making it easier to organize and manage hundreds or thousands of resources. They also enable role-based access control (RBAC) so that you can define permissions at a namespace level, ensuring that different teams or applications within the same cluster don't step on each other's toes.

What is a ReplicaSet and how does it differ from a ReplicationController?

A ReplicaSet is a Kubernetes object that ensures a specified number of pod replicas are running at any given time. It automatically replaces any failed or terminated pods to maintain the desired state.

The primary difference between a ReplicaSet and a ReplicationController lies in the supported set-based label selectors. ReplicaSets allow you to use set-based selectors, which provide more flexibility and allow for complex querying, while ReplicationControllers only support equality-based selectors. ReplicaSets are mainly used under the hood by Deployments, making Deployments the preferred way to manage pod replicas in most scenarios.

How do you perform a Kubernetes rolling update?

To perform a rolling update in Kubernetes, you'd typically use the kubectl set image command to update the image version for your deployment. For example, if you have a deployment named my-deployment and you want to update its container image to my-image:v2, you would run:

bash kubectl set image deployment/my-deployment my-container=my-image:v2

Kubernetes will then sequentially update your pods with the new image version, ensuring no downtime by maintaining the desired number of replicas. You can monitor the update process using kubectl rollout status deployment/my-deployment. This approach lets you update your application smoothly without taking it offline.

What is Kubernetes and what are its main components?

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform designed to automate deploying, scaling, and managing containerized applications. It helps ensure that your applications are running optimally and can handle load changes gracefully, providing a resilient infrastructure.

The main components of Kubernetes include the Master Node and Worker Nodes. The Master Node contains the API Server, which acts as the front end; the etcd datastore, which stores all cluster data; the Controller Manager, which ensures the desired state of the cluster; and the Scheduler, which assigns workloads to nodes. Worker Nodes run the actual applications and host components like the Kubelet, which communicates with the Master Node, the Kube Proxy for networking, and a container runtime like Docker or containerd for running containers.

What is a Pod in Kubernetes?

A Pod in Kubernetes is the smallest and most basic deployable unit in the Kubernetes ecosystem. It represents a single instance of a running process in your cluster and can encapsulate one or more containers, with the most common case being a single container. Pods are designed to host closely-related processes that need to share resources and communicate frequently.

Each Pod gets its own unique network IP address, and containers within the same Pod can share the same storage volumes. Pods can be ephemeral, meaning they can be created, destroyed, and recreated according to the needs specified by the deployment strategy or by other higher-level controllers such as Deployments or StatefulSets.

How do you scale applications in Kubernetes?

Scaling applications in Kubernetes can be done quite effortlessly using either manual or automated methods. Manually, you can use the kubectl scale command to change the number of replicas of your application. For example, kubectl scale deployment <deployment-name> --replicas=<number> adjusts how many instances of your application are running.

For automated scaling, Kubernetes features the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA), which automatically adjusts the number of pods based on observed CPU utilization or other select metrics. You define these rules in a HorizontalPodAutoscaler resource, and the HPA controller will take care of scaling your application up or down depending on the observed metrics and thresholds you’ve set.

How does the Kubernetes architecture work?

Kubernetes architecture is composed of a master node and worker nodes. The master node is responsible for maintaining the desired state of your cluster, and it includes key components like the API Server, Controller Manager, Scheduler, and etcd, which is the key-value store. The API Server acts as the front end, handling all the requests for the cluster, while etcd stores all the cluster data, configurations, and state.

On the other hand, worker nodes run the actual application workloads. Each worker node contains a kubelet, which ensures that containers are running in a Pod, and a kube-proxy, which manages network connectivity and traffic routing. Pods are the smallest deployable units, containing one or more containers. The Scheduler assigns pods to nodes based on resource requirements, and the Controller Manager ensures that the cluster is always in the desired state by managing different controllers such as the Replication Controller.

Essentially, the master manages and coordinates the cluster, while worker nodes are where your applications run. This separation ensures scalability and reliability, making it easier to manage large-scale deployments.

How do you manage persistent storage in Kubernetes?

In Kubernetes, persistent storage is typically managed using PersistentVolumes (PVs) and PersistentVolumeClaims (PVCs). A PersistentVolume is a piece of storage that's been provisioned for use by the cluster, whether it's from network storage, cloud storage, or local storage. A PersistentVolumeClaim is a request for storage by a user or application.

The workflow usually looks something like this: First, the administrator or the storage class provisions the PersistentVolume. Then, applications claim these volumes by creating a PersistentVolumeClaim with the desired storage specifications. Kubernetes handles binding the claim to an available volume automatically, and it’s all abstracted away which makes stateful application management easier. For dynamic provisioning, you can use StorageClasses to automate PV creation when PVCs are submitted.

Describe how the Kubernetes API server works.

The Kubernetes API server is the central management entity that exposes the Kubernetes API, which is the core mechanism for orchestrating, deploying, and managing containerized applications. It validates and configures data for API objects, such as pods, services, and replication controllers. When you interact with Kubernetes through tools like kubectl, you're communicating directly with the API server.

It listens for API calls from the control plane and worker nodes, processes those calls, and updates the corresponding states in etcd, which is the persistent storage layer for all cluster data. The API server also acts as the gatekeeper for the cluster, enforcing access control and ensuring that only authenticated and authorized requests are processed. In essence, it’s the brain of Kubernetes, coordinating everything to make sure that the cluster operates as intended.

How do you handle secrets management in Kubernetes?

In Kubernetes, I handle secrets management by creating and managing Kubernetes secrets, which securely store and manage sensitive information like passwords, tokens, and keys. I usually create secrets either through the kubectl command-line tool or by defining them in YAML manifests. Once created, these secrets can be mounted as volumes in pods or exposed as environment variables to the containers.

Encryption at rest provided by Kubernetes ensures that secrets are stored securely on disk. For added security, integrating with an external secrets management system like HashiCorp Vault can be a good practice. This approach allows more sophisticated access controls and audit trails. Additionally, Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is crucial in limiting which users and services can access or modify secrets.

Explain the role of etcd in Kubernetes.

etcd is the key-value store that Kubernetes uses as its primary datastore. It holds all the cluster's configuration data, state data, and metadata, making it the single source of truth for your cluster's desired state. Whenever you create, update, or delete resources in Kubernetes, the state is stored in etcd, and the Kubernetes control plane uses this data to manage the cluster's state.

Because etcd is so critical, it's designed to be highly available and consistent, using the Raft consensus algorithm to ensure that data is reliably stored and accessible even in the face of node failures. Since every change in the cluster is reflected in etcd, maintaining its reliability and security is crucial to the smooth operation of your Kubernetes environment.

What is a DaemonSet and why would you use it?

A DaemonSet ensures that all (or some) nodes run a copy of a specific pod. Essentially, it makes sure that one pod gets scheduled on every node in the cluster. This is particularly useful for deploying system-level services like log collectors, monitoring daemons, or network management tools because you often want these kinds of services running on every node to collect logs, metrics, or enforce network policies uniformly.

Using a DaemonSet simplifies management by guaranteeing a uniform deployment across nodes, and it automatically adds the pod to newly added nodes when they join the cluster. Plus, it's handy because it can roll out updates to those pods across all nodes in a controlled fashion.

How does service discovery work within a Kubernetes cluster?

In Kubernetes, service discovery is handled primarily through DNS and environment variables. When you create a Service, Kubernetes automatically assigns it a DNS name and IP address. Each Pod that’s created as part of the Service gets an environment variable pointing to the Service's IP. Plus, Kubernetes sets up a DNS entry for services so that Pods can easily find and communicate with them using standard DNS lookups.

Service discovery in Kubernetes can also use labels and selectors to match Pods. When you create a Service, you specify a selector to match the labels on the Pods. This way, even if the individual Pods' IPs change, the Service can dynamically update and ensure that requests are still routed correctly. This combination of DNS, environment variables, and labels makes service discovery seamless within a cluster.

What are Kubernetes Operators and how do they work?

Kubernetes Operators are a way of extending the capabilities of Kubernetes beyond the typical lifecycle management of containers. Think of an operator as a piece of software that encodes the human operational knowledge into code, allowing Kubernetes to manage more complex applications and resources by itself.

Operators function by utilizing Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) to define and manage specific application resources, and they include a control loop to ensure the state of the application matches the desired state defined by the user. So basically, if anything goes out of sync or an unexpected issue arises, the operator will automatically work to bring everything back to the desired state, essentially acting as an automated operational manager for your Kubernetes cluster.

How do you troubleshoot a failing Pod in Kubernetes?

When troubleshooting a failing Pod in Kubernetes, I usually start by describing the Pod to get detailed information about its status and recent events using kubectl describe pod <pod-name>. This command often highlights issues like failed container starts or scheduling problems. If the events mention issues with the container itself, I then use kubectl logs <pod-name> to view the container logs, which can provide insight into application-level failures or configuration errors.

If the logs and description don't reveal the problem, I might check the node where the Pod is scheduled to ensure it isn't facing resource constraints by using kubectl describe node <node-name>. Sometimes, restarting the Pod can help isolate transient issues, but for recurring problems, it might necessitate looking into deployment configurations like resource requests and limits or even the Docker images themselves to identify potential problems.

What is a ConfigMap in Kubernetes?

A ConfigMap in Kubernetes is a resource that allows you to inject configuration data into your pods; it decouples configuration artifacts from image content to keep containerized applications portable. ConfigMaps can store key-value pairs of configuration data, which can then be used by the application running in the pod. This way, you can keep configurations separate from your container image, making it easier to manage and modify configurations without needing to rebuild your images. For instance, you might use a ConfigMap to store database connection strings, feature flags, or other settings that an application might need.

What is a Kubernetes Service and what types are available?

A Kubernetes Service is an abstraction that defines a logical set of pods and a policy by which to access them, usually used to expose your application to other applications both inside and outside of your Kubernetes cluster. Services help with load balancing and provide a stable IP address for a set of pods that may change over time.

There are several types of Services in Kubernetes: - ClusterIP: Exposes the Service on an internal IP in the cluster, making it only accessible within the cluster. - NodePort: Exposes the Service on each Node’s IP at a static port, making it accessible from outside the cluster by requesting :. - LoadBalancer: Exposes the Service externally using a cloud provider’s load balancer. - ExternalName: Maps the Service to the contents of the externalName field, usually a DNS name, useful for legacy applications.

How do you secure a Kubernetes cluster?

Securing a Kubernetes cluster involves multiple layers of protection. First and foremost, you should ensure you're running the latest versions of Kubernetes and its dependencies since security patches are frequently released. Enforcing Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) helps manage who has access to what resources within the cluster. Network policies are also essential; they allow you to control the communication between pods.

Encrypting secrets and securing ETCD, the key-value store where Kubernetes stores its state, is crucial. You'll want to use TLS certificates to ensure secure communication between K8s components. Also, consider enabling Pod Security Policies to enforce security standards such as denying privileged containers. Lastly, regular audits, logging, and monitoring can help you detect and respond to any suspicious activity promptly.

What are Taints and Tolerations in Kubernetes?

Taints and Tolerations in Kubernetes work hand-in-hand to ensure that certain pods are not scheduled onto inappropriate nodes. A taint is applied to a node to repel certain pods from being assigned to it, whereas a toleration allows a pod to be scheduled onto a node with a matching taint. This way, you can control which pods can run on which nodes, helping to manage specialized workloads or ensure node isolation. Essentially, taints define which pods shouldn't be scheduled on a node, and tolerations make specific pods eligible to bypass that restriction.

What is the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)?

The Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) is a Kubernetes feature that automatically adjusts the number of pods in a deployment or replica set based on observed CPU utilization or other custom metrics. It's super handy for maintaining performance and resource efficiency, especially under varying loads. By scaling out additional pods during high traffic and scaling in when the traffic drops, HPA helps ensure your application remains responsive without over-provisioning resources. It does require metrics to work with, which you can typically get using tools like Metrics Server, Prometheus, or custom metrics.

How do you monitor and log in a Kubernetes environment?

In a Kubernetes environment, monitoring can be achieved using tools like Prometheus, which is a popular open-source monitoring solution that collects and stores metrics. You can set up Prometheus to scrape metrics from different Kubernetes objects, like nodes, pods, and services. Grafana is often used alongside Prometheus to visualize these metrics and create dashboards for easier monitoring.

For logging, a common setup involves using the ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana) or EFK Stack (Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana). Fluentd or Logstash collects and aggregates logs from pods and nodes, sends them to Elasticsearch for storage and indexing, and Kibana provides a UI for querying and visualizing the logs. These setups help in diagnosing issues and understanding the behavior of applications deployed on Kubernetes.

Explain the differences between Docker Swarm and Kubernetes.

Docker Swarm and Kubernetes are both tools for orchestrating containers, but they have some key differences. Kubernetes is highly customizable and comes with a vast ecosystem, making it the go-to choice for complex, large-scale applications. It has a steep learning curve but offers extensive functionality like automated rollouts and rollbacks, self-healing, and horizontal scaling.

Docker Swarm, on the other hand, is simpler to set up and more tightly integrated with Docker, making it easier for small to medium-sized applications. It's less feature-rich compared to Kubernetes but offers straightforward and quick deployment, focusing on ease of use and simplicity. Swarm is a good starting point if you want to manage containers with minimal overhead, but Kubernetes wins out for larger, more demanding environments.

How does Kubernetes manage resource allocation?

Kubernetes manages resource allocation through its scheduling and resource request mechanisms. When you create a pod, you can specify resource requests and limits for CPU and memory. The scheduler looks at these requests and tries to find a node that has enough available resources to meet them. It places the pod on a node where it can run without exceeding its declared resource limits.

The resource requests are guarantees, so the scheduler ensures that there won't be over-commitment at the scheduling level. The resource limits, on the other hand, act as a runtime constraint, preventing a pod from exceeding its allocated resources. This helps maintain cluster stability by ensuring no single pod can hog resources to the detriment of others.

How does Kubernetes handle container networking?

Kubernetes handles container networking using a network model that ensures every pod gets its own IP address. This model eliminates the need to map host ports to container ports, making communication between containers more straightforward. Pods can communicate with each other directly using these IP addresses, and you can control this communication using network policies if needed.

Kubernetes networking is implemented through various networking plugins or Container Network Interface (CNI) plugins, like Calico, Flannel, or Weave. These plugins manage the complex networking tasks such as pod-to-pod communication, service discovery, and load balancing. The cluster networking architecture consists of different network components, including the pod network, service network, and Ingress controllers which help route external traffic to services inside the cluster.

How do you ensure high availability in a Kubernetes setup?

Ensuring high availability in a Kubernetes setup involves a few key strategies. First, you want to have multiple replicas of your pods running across different nodes, which minimizes the risk of downtime if a single pod or node fails. You can achieve this by setting up ReplicaSets or Deployments with the appropriate number of replicas and using node selectors or affinities to spread them out.

Next, ensure your control plane is highly available by running multiple instances of critical components like the API server, etcd, and the controller manager. Typically, this would mean deploying these components in a multi-master setup, often across different physical or cloud zones.

Additionally, leveraging Kubernetes features like health checks and auto-scaling can help maintain high availability. Readiness and liveness probes ensure your applications are running correctly and can recover from potential issues, while Horizontal Pod Autoscalers can adjust the number of running pods based on current load.

Can you explain the structure of a Kubernetes manifest file?

A Kubernetes manifest file is typically written in YAML or JSON and defines the desired state of the components in your Kubernetes cluster. The manifest file generally includes essential sections like apiVersion, kind, metadata, and spec.

The apiVersion indicates the version of the Kubernetes API you're using. The kind denotes the type of Kubernetes object you're defining, such as Pod, Deployment, Service, etc. The metadata section includes details like the name and labels of the object. Finally, the spec section specifies the desired state and configurations specific to the kind of resource you're defining, such as container images, replicas, ports, and other settings.

For instance, in a Deployment manifest file, you might see the spec field containing information about the replicas and template for the Pods. The template further breaks down into metadata and spec for the Pods, which will include details like container images and resource requests.

What are Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)?

Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) allow you to extend Kubernetes' capabilities by defining your own resource types. You can think of them as a way to create new kinds of objects that behave like the built-in Kubernetes resources. For example, let’s say you want to manage a specialized application configuration that isn’t covered by existing Kubernetes primitives—you can create a CRD to handle it.

Once you define a CRD, you can create, modify, and query these new custom resources using the Kubernetes API, just like you would with pods, deployments, or services. This makes CRDs a powerful tool for bringing a wide variety of applications and use cases under Kubernetes management while keeping things modular and clean.

What is Minikube and how is it used?

Minikube is a tool that allows you to run Kubernetes locally on your machine. It creates a single-node Kubernetes cluster on your local system, which is perfect for development and testing. You can use Minikube to try out Kubernetes features, experiment with configurations, and test applications without needing a full-blown cluster.

To use Minikube, you would typically start by installing it and then running a command like minikube start to set up the local cluster. From there, you can use kubectl commands to interact with your cluster, just like you would with a production-level Kubernetes environment. It's convenient because it abstracts away the complexities of setting up a full Kubernetes environment, making it easier to get started quickly.

What is a Kubernetes Job and how does it differ from a CronJob?

A Kubernetes Job is a controller that ensures a specified number of pods successfully complete their tasks. It's typically used for finite or one-off tasks such as batch processing, data load jobs, or other background tasks that need to be run to completion. Once the tasks are done, the pods are terminated.

On the other hand, a CronJob is essentially a Job that runs on a schedule, similar to traditional cron jobs in Unix-based systems. CronJobs are great for tasks that need to be performed regularly, like daily backups, scheduled updates, or periodic reports. They allow you to create Jobs based on a time-based schedule you define using Cron syntax. So, if you need tasks to run periodically rather than just once, CronJob is your go-to.

How does Kubernetes implement load balancing?

Kubernetes uses a couple of mechanisms to handle load balancing. One of the primary ways is through Services, specifically with the built-in kube-proxy component. kube-proxy creates and maintains the network rules on each node, allowing traffic destined for a specific Service to be distributed evenly across all the pods backing that Service. This is often a basic round-robin distribution.

For more advanced, layer 7 load balancing, you can use an Ingress resource. Ingress controllers, which are implementations of this resource, manage HTTP and HTTPS traffic routing to the correct services based on the defined rules. Ingress controllers can perform host and path-based routing and even SSL termination, allowing for more complex user traffic management scenarios. Combining these, Kubernetes ensures that your applications can handle incoming traffic efficiently and reliably.

Describe how you would perform a backup and restore of a Kubernetes cluster.

To perform a backup of a Kubernetes cluster, you generally focus on two main components: the etcd database and the cluster resource definitions. Etcd stores all the configuration data and state of the cluster, so you'd use etcdctl to take a snapshot of the etcd database. It's essential to ensure that you have a consistent snapshot when the cluster is in a stable state.

For restoring, you would first set up a fresh Kubernetes cluster without any resources, then restore the etcd snapshot using etcdctl restore and configure the Kubernetes API server to point to the restored etcd data. You might also need to redeploy certain cluster components and apply the backed-up resource definitions to fully restore the system.

Finally, there are tools like Velero that simplify this process by allowing you to backup and restore entire namespaces or specific resources within the cluster. Velero supports backing up persistent volumes and other Kubernetes objects, making it an excellent choice for more comprehensive backup solutions.

How can you restrict a container's resource usage in Kubernetes (CPU & Memory)?

To restrict a container's resource usage in Kubernetes, you can use resource requests and limits. These can be defined in the container specification of a Pod. Resource requests specify the minimum amount of CPU and memory that a container requires, while resource limits set the maximum amount it can use. For example, in your Pod definition, you’d add something like:

yaml resources: requests: memory: "64Mi" cpu: "250m" limits: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "500m"

This ensures that the container gets at least 64Mi of memory and 250m (or 0.25) CPU, and it won’t exceed 128Mi of memory and 500m (or 0.5) CPU. These settings help manage and optimize resource allocation effectively.

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