Available Now 134 Product Designers ready to help

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Connect with 134 pre-vetted Product Designer professionals ready to help with your projects. Our experts are carefully selected and have proven track records in delivering outstanding results.

Why hire Product Designers through MentorCruise?

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Pre-vetted Experts

All our Product Designers are thoroughly vetted for expertise and experience. Only the top 2% make it through.

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Flexible & Cost-Effective Product Designer Expertise

Save up to 70% compared to traditional hiring while maintaining top quality


Traditional Hiring

  • Full-time salary: $90,000+ per year
  • Benefits & overhead: $20,000+ per year
  • Long-term commitment required
  • Extensive hiring process

MentorCruise Experts

  • Pay only for what you need
  • No overhead or hidden costs
  • Flexible engagement options
  • Pre-vetted experts ready to start

Available Product Designers

Connect with our pre-vetted Product Designer professionals

Only 5 Spots Left

John Rodrigues is a Senior Product Designer with 7 years of experience. Currently working at JPMorgan Chase on B2B products, he previously served as Product Designer Lead at Citi Bank. He was also recognized as a Top 10 mentor on ADPList, having mentored more than 250+ Designers. He successfully ran …

$150 / month
1 x Call

So I'm John a product designer of services/applications, I'm a South African by birth with an Irish mother. I have an obsessive nature for the understanding of complex and beautiful things. Be it software, gadgets, people or even macro systems. This has naturally found me designing software and services for …

$90 / month
1 x Call

Only 5 Spots Left

I’m Nick, a Lead UX & Product designer from the Netherlands. With my visual design background, I design apps, websites, and services that look and work great. What makes me tick? Two things! 👇 First of all, creating a customer journey that just works. To make that happen, I bring …

$120 / month
1 x Call

Hola! I'm a Senior Product Designer with 6+yrs experience in the field, providing mentoring services to new and mid-senior designers. I have a passion for teaching. I have taught over 200+ students about UX/UI and product design. If you are a solo designer in your company facing the challenge of …

$60 / month
2 x Calls

Only 3 Spots Left

Hi! I am an agency founder who has a passion for innovation and strategy. Before I founded Unscripted, I spent 6 years working as a consultant for companies of all sizes, supporting digital design projects, and facilitating workshops in various domains and industries ranging from health tech, fintech, automotive, e-commerce, …

$80 / month
1 x Call

Only 2 Spots Left

I can help you: - Improve your resume and portfolio - Practice portfolio presentation, whiteboard challenge, app critique, behavioral interviews - Advance in your career - Improve your project work I'm a Senior Product Designer with 8 years of experience. Currently, at Klarna, Europe's Fintech unicorn. Previously, I worked at …

$100 / month
1 x Call

Hi! I'm a senior product designer at Paramount. My degree is in cognitive science and I have certifications from Human Factors International in user experience design and research. I am also working on a Masters in Human-Centered Design which will be complete in 2024. In my career I've worked in …

$100 / month
2 x Calls

Only 4 Spots Left

Hello! I'm a self-taught designer with a multi-decade career. I started with web and print 20 years ago and then pivoted to UX/UI, Product Design, and Design Systems in the last 12 years. I have over five years of experience mentoring and managing designers and look forward to helping fellow …

$70 / month
1 x Call

Only 3 Spots Left

Hi there! 👋 I’m Heigi, and currently a Principal Product Designer at Capital One. I’ve been in different shoes in the UX industry — a career switcher seeking my very first UX internship, a sole designer of a 10-person startup, a lead designer managing a team of 5 designers, a …

$240 / month
2 x Calls

Only 4 Spots Left

Yes, you can design your career. I've designed my career and helped over 500 mentees design and grow theirs. I coach professionals in product/UX design, UX research, digital accessibility, and Conversational Design. Frequent topics I discuss with my mentees are "how to stand out from the crowd" and "what's next …

$180 / month
1 x Call

Only 4 Spots Left

Ciao! I’m a Senior Product Designer at Microsoft in Prague, where I help shape the future of meetings for Microsoft Teams. With over 7 years of experience as a design consultant working with international clients across diverse industries, including automotive and tobacco, I’ve honed my skills in every phase of …

$60 / month
2 x Calls

Only 1 Spot Left

👋 Hi there! I’m Rina, a Product Designer at Meta. Previously, I was a UX designer working on Alexa at Amazon working on communications, device onboarding, fitness, and visual UI systems. Before transitioning into UX, I studied Architecture at Cornell University. I have mentored 40+ people (via Mentorcruise, Design Lab, …

$160 / month
1 x Call

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Why hire a expert Product Designer

Want to start a new dream career? Successfully build your startup? Itching to learn high-demand skills? Work smart with an online mentor by your side to offer expert advice and guidance to match your zeal. Become unstoppable using MentorCruise.

  • Thousands of mentors available
  • Flexible program structures
  • Free trial
  • Personal chats
  • 1-on-1 calls
  • 96% satisfaction rate

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  • "Naz is an amazing person and a wonderful mentor. She is supportive and knowledgeable with extensive practical experience. Having been a manager at Netflix, she also knows a ton about working with teams at scale. Highly recommended."

  • "Brandon has been supporting me with a software engineering job hunt and has provided amazing value with his industry knowledge, tips unique to my situation and support as I prepared for my interviews and applications."

  • "Sandrina helped me improve as an engineer. Looking back, I took a huge step, beyond my expectations."

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